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REACTO TEAM to be crowned favourite aero bike of 2021 by TOUR magazine

German cycling test powerhouse TOUR has given our REACTO TEAM the sought-after title of their ‘favourite aero road bike of 2021’ in their recent special edition magazine.
In their ‘DAS JAHR IM RÜCKBLICK – HÖHEPUNKTE, EMOTIONEN, MEILENSTEINE’ (translated: THE YEAR IN RETROSPECT - HIGHLIGHTS, EMOTIONS, MILESTONES) issue 12a, the TOUR team looked at key bikes of 2021, picking those that left an impression when they were tested. From this, established selected the 100 bikes worthy of the ‘favourite…bike’ title.
When our REACTO TEAM was included in the original test in issue 02/2021, it impressed the test team with its appearance, well-sorted cockpit, outstanding riding comfort, ample tyre clearance (allowing tyres of up to 30 mm) and low weight. Most of all, it was the aerodynamic abilities of the new REACTO that impressed, catapulting our aero bike right to the front of the wind-slicing fraternity.
In the ‘DAS JAHR IM RÜCKBLICK’ special edition, those findings were mirrored by the test team, and the combination of impressive aero credentials and class-leading comfort resulted in a fantastic 1.6 TOUR score and the even more desirable title of ‘favourite aero road bike of 2021’.
Please check out issue 12a of TOUR magazine to read the entire test.
For the detailed spec sheets and frame features of the new REACTO TEAM, please click the link underneath DISCOVER THE BIKE.
To find out more about the bike, including key features, R&D and design thinking, as well as the intended use, please check the micro page here.
To see the complete 2022 REACTO range, please click here.